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19 Days of Jury Duty

This past month, I had the experience of jury duty. The case went on longer than expected [Days expected: 7]. So, of course my outfits had to accommodate a court room that might as well have been a refrigerator and metal detectors; you couldn’t wear shoes unless they were sneakers, and the only time I wear sneakers is to the gym or running, and chucks just didn’t go with anything.

Downtown Houston has a tunnel system whenever there is inclement weather which prevents outside walking, but whoever said the tunnel connected to the courthouse parking garage was a “shortcut” to the courthouse was full of crap. I was usually the girl making a mad dash while carrying my Mary Nichols tote on one arm and my Botkier purse in the other. That’s the other reason why I stopped wearing heels.

jury duty houston

The horror: As you can imagine the shock I was in when I saw everyone else dressed in sweats and hoodies for jury duty. I had people taking photos of me probably wondering who the hell I was. SEE DAY 1

Sitting and waiting: The first day for jurors to be selected took until 8:30PM. I had gone crazy by this time. They had to choose 14 out of 200 people, which is unusual. They finally dismissed us and 40 of us had to return to see if we had been selected. Oh, the friends I made while I was there. : )

jury duty fashion

jury duty fashion

jury duty fashion

jury duty fashion

jury duty fashion

jury duty fashion




  • Naomi Harris via Facebook

    Love it!

  • thank you, darling : ) <3

  • HP

    Day 18 outfit — want
    Day 13 top — want 🙂
    Day 11 sweater — want
    Day 2 dress — want
    Day 1 jacket — oh wait, that’s mine. 😉

  • Heather Pray via Facebook

    Day 18 outfit — want
    Day 13 top — want 🙂
    Day 11 sweater — want
    Day 2 dress — want
    Day 1 jacket — oh wait, that’s mine. 🙂

  • SJ Chronicle

    I doubt Day 1’s apparel would count as “fashionably broke” — too hot for that 😉

  • Naomi

    Days 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, & 15 are my favorites! You looked amazing, and shame on the other jurors for not taking the same concern with their appearance!

  • Napacasual

    Awesome! Thanks. I’m on day 7 running out of inspiration.