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The Memorial weekend sales are here and now’s your time to take advantage of any full priced items you’ve been leaving in your electronic shopping tote. Jump on these sales before they’re over…


Brace yourself because summer is finally here and we’ve got the styles you’ll wanna take home and on your next trip. Come dressed in your breezy summer dresses and experience the finest of downtown with Haute Town…Summer in the City on Saturday, May 21st. This event has it all – great fashion, tasty food, lots of drinks, pretty people, spring weather! The event will showcase downtown’s best retailers and restaurants from the resort-like setting of the Four Season’s pool deck. In addition to tasty bites, guests can check out the cutting-edge looks from BCBGMAXAZRIA, XXI Forever, Macy’s, and Jos. A. Banks.


Before you know it, summer and it’s heat waves will be knocking on your door? Are you prepared and ready for all the festivities that are soon to come your way? Pool or beach parties, or a party on a boat? Maybe you need some ideas? I’ve thrown together a few dresses that would be perfect staples to your summer wardrobe and won’t break your budget.


The drinks were poured and the shoes were off! Saks Fifth Avenue Houston helped launch Manolo Blahnik in it stores. Half naked men showcased the latest styles on silver platters while guests sipped on lychee martinis and shopped the night away. Hosts Carrie Carson, Saba Jawda, Sarah Jawda, Mary Nichols, Heather Pray, Lauren Pray and Beth Zdeblick kicked off the launch of the fabulous designer shoes…


I saw this the other day on Hoda & Kathie Lee and couldn’t believe how easy some of this was to do! I don’t know how willing I am to do this by myself espeically without my hairdresser by my side guiding me or doing it for me. The concept is great, embrace and rock out your roots (a look I fully support)…


Feathers were everywhere at SXSW and now at Coachella. Girls were wearing them in their hair, in their ears, as necklaces, etc. If you could hang it, they’d find a way to wear it. Wear this style from Spring to Summer or however long you please. Feather hair extensions are also…

LA TIMES Coachella image

Coachella is right around the corner and like most fashionistas in attendance, they have their outfits ready and feathers in their hair to parade around the